Low carb vegetables list
image credit dietdoctor.com

Hi Everyone,

As you should by now be aware that when living a low carb high fat lifestyle you will need to make some adjustments to your vegetable intakes as not all vegetables are good for you in the sense that they have a high carb content.

So I thought I should do a TOP 10 list of the best veggies to eat! I might try to do a full list too.

Here we go.

The best low carb vegetables for Keto.

Vegetable Amount Net Carbs
Spinach (Raw) 1/2 Cup 0.1
Bok Choi 1/2 Cup 0.2
Lettuce (Romaine) 1/2 Cup 0.2
Broccoli (Florets) 1/2 Cup 0.8
Cauliflower (Steamed) 1/2 Cup 0.9
Cabbage (Green Raw) 1/2 Cup 1.1
Cauliflower (Raw) 1/2 Cup 1.4
Collard Greens 1/2 Cup 2
Kale steamed 1/2 Cup 2.1
Green Beans steamed 1/2 Cup 2.9


My personal favorites are broccoli baked in the oven covered with melted mozzarella and Cream cheese. For cabbage I like to make a stir fry.
(Will update this with suggestion recipes soon)

Hope this helps 🙂